Friday, December 27, 2013

Standards?... Lower them!

You know you’re in Peace Corps when all of your friends are half your age! It sounds sad, I know. Just hear me out a little bit lol. 98% of the women my age in my community have children and are married. Of course I spend time with them, but no matter the conversation, it always ends up with an interrogation about why I am not married. I pretty much told a lie to everyone in my community and they think I have a boyfriend. What! I had to tell them something so they could stop hounding me. Did it work? Not exactly- they call me an “Abusadora (Abuser)” because I left him in the states to wait 2 years for me. Some people even proceed to tell me that he’ll cheat on me, so I should just find a Dominican husband. I just laugh at them and their shenanigans. Being a wife where I live entails staying in the kitchen for half the day, scrubbing floors that always seem to be dirty again within an hour, and hand-washing tons of clothes… just to do it all over the next day. So yeah, I’ll pass on that one!

Children on the other hand are chill. I like them because they’ll pretty much do whatever I tell them to. They make store runs, help me mop my floor (they think Americans don’t know how to mop, fine with me!), correct my Spanish when I pronounce something wrong, they’ll walk around with me when no one else wants to, they tell me ALL of the gossip, they do room checks (for rats that is), and they even clear my room of dead rats… gotta love ‘em! Believe me when I tell you, they get really annoying! But, they’re good company to keep around.

You probably were expecting some great, life changing post… I could tell you how people prepare 3 months in advance for Christmas, but the celebration sucks; I could tell you about how a gecko was on the roof and it’s poop fell in my bra; you’d probably want to hear how I vomited watching a pig get slaughtered or maybe how I was tricked into almost eating pig intestines and drinking some strong, black-out worthy alcohol… but nope, this is it! Just wanted to tell you how I’ve lowered my social standards and have 10 year old best friends J

Maybe next time I’ll give you something more enlightening.

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